Friday, May 30, 2014

Second Opinion

Second Opinion

In something as close to you as the boops or the two girls on your chest- or as close as a good part of yourself image you might want to obtain a second opinion.  I have decided I want a second opinion and it truly makes a big difference on the planning of your treatment.  My first doctor was very professional kind of cold and none caring about the patient itself. Don’t get me wrong the first doctor was proficient but I need a little more humanity and understanding.
He is really laid back and like a real  Cowboy or the best description for him will be he look like Mr. Despicable.  That means he is tall bent over and seem really tough but with a small heart.  Finally a person that is a human..  We arrived there few minutes early they immediately took us.  He went with us through the p.  report step by step.  He explained that my situation really well.    And also the grades within the stages.  The other doctor was very conservative and pretty much felt that I should try and preserve as much all the time as I could.   Dr. K.  allow you more freedom of choice and he said that if I have a mastectomy then the changes of having breast cancer in his opinion can come down to 98%.  I do not have the results of the BRC 1/ 2 or the other tests.  I think still I will do the mastectomy –  my appointment now finally is made with the sergeant for after I return from vacation

PS: I want to tell you In the mean time think my family acts strange at times – they say the strangest things?  Maybe they have some nuclear sells that attach to the brain.  Or maybe people just don’t know what to say to a person with cancer and then they say the craziest things at times.

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