Friday, May 30, 2014

Telling my younger kids later

Post Three

Note to my Teenage Daughters

Dear teenage daughters, I am truly sorry that I could not tell you right at the moment I found out about my cancer.  I wanted to talk to you but it was yearend for the school here in May and I did not want you to be upset – when it is just what it is.  Really what do one say, it is like throwing a person with a raw egg with no cloth to clean up.  In a way it is not really fair to you that you have to wait before  I can tell – I did  tell your brother and sister that are in their twenties and they  took it ok. Perhaps when school is over we can take a walk in the park.  I just love the time when we just go for the walk and talk over this and that.  When I listen to you girls then I wish I can be the teenage girl with the two long legs and pimply face and the wind gently tossing your long hair around.  I wish… then I remember don’t wish live 

Life is so precious! 

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