Friday, May 30, 2014

Your Boobs Your Life = Fight like a girl

Post 1
Your Boobs = Fight like a girl

Song of Songs 8: 8 " I am chaste, and I am now full breasted.  And my lover is content with me."

It is to bad that nothing prepare us for our journey with these two girls on our chest, that so proudly define part of our identity and our kids, and our romance  in future.

It all just happened so fast.

I thought i was just all me and then one day it was me and cancer.

I needed a doctor’s letter for work for FMLA and then that day the thought came up in my head if I ask the doctor for many letters they might fir me as a patient if I don't actually to the 13 year outstanding mammogram.

Why did I not do a mammogram for 13 years?
it is simple they will squash my seize D and spread it like peanut butter over bread like finger thin.  Now tell me that does not hurt changing the shape from your boop 200%.

I went did and yippy hooray 13 years later they no longer have the stainless metal plates on the mammothkit machine.  The plates was much more user friendly.

The call came both breast had secrets and had to be done again.  I went to ARA and this time they played at any angle squishing and squashing. They left and came back and then I had to repeat this all together again and finally the left breast past the doctors mm ok.  But the right one was hiding something.  Then they said biopsy time.

I had not much time to think this was just a few days later. Once you are in the operating room you climb on this fun   You lay flat on your tummy and your boop fit in this welcoming round whole.  Then there is a fast prick and stick and sting... and then they drill and  grab tissue five times over.  You are lefts with a small mark strong plasters and send home not to bath for five days. No bathing but showering is OK.

The doctor called me herself on Monday and said  I am so sorry.  All I know is she said  I have Cancer and the next step is_  to see the Texas Oncology.  Later the nurse called  and gave me the new appointment  that will be tomorrow.  I asked the nurse what stage the cancer was - that was the only intellectual question I could think about.  She stated stage 3.

I did  not really want to tell to many people about my diagnosis.  Dang - I still have to figure out myself what it means.

then God brought someone so encouraging from my work my path and this was the light of my life for the day - please sign up to  follow her blog.   I also had the great opportunity to talk to her for an hour.

My second  concern was stilled when my manager showed me the max out of pocket expense is $2000.

I have just one more thing to do now write down my questions for tomorrows first visit to the Doctor.

What tests you will need
What your diagnosis means
·         What your treatment options are
  • Is there enough information to recommend a treatment plan for me? If not, which tests or procedures will be needed?
  • Who would you recommend for a second opinion?
  • When do I need to make a treatment decision?
  • Who will be part of my health care team, and what does each member do?
  • Who will be coordinating my overall treatment and follow-up care?
  • What is the goal of each treatment? Is it to eliminate the cancer, help me feel better, or both?
  • What can I do to get ready for treatment?

What type of cancer do I have?
Will this increase the risk of my daughters to have this type of cancer?
Do you have to remove the breast If so can we just do both?
Will you remove the nymph nodes first?
To you suggest would prefer bilateral mastectomy surgery with spacer’s right after the fact?
Will I need chemotherapy?
If so for how long?
Do I need hormone treatment after the fact?

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