Friday, May 30, 2014

The First Pathology Report and what it means in simple language

The First Pathology Report

Breast cancer comes in the following forms
1.     DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ) the beginning non invasive, inside the milk duct.
2.     LCIS (Lobular Carcinoma in Situ) this is a tumor inside the milk making part called the lobules.
3.     IDC (invasive Ductal Carcinoma) this is a cancer that started in the milk duct but now as exited this area through growth and this is the most common type of breast cancer.
4.     ILC (invasive Lobular Carcinoma) this cancer starts in the milk glands also called lobules, however it grows into the surrounding area.

So first you identify your type of Cancer.
What type of cancer do you have?____________

Cancer stages in general
Stage Zero
Is the beginning and not life threatening, and non-invasive.

Stage One, Two, and Three
 This is invasive breast cancer (cancer cells are breaking through to or invading normal surrounding breast tissue and are considered life threatening from now on forward

Stage Four
Stage IV describes invasive breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other organs of the body, such as the lungs, distant lymph nodes, skin, bones, liver, or brain, and sometimes it is inoperable.  It is considered life threatening

What stage are your cancer?___________

Different grades of cancer

Every stage of cancer is divided into three grades.  This is really a reference to what the cancer cells look like in comparison with normal cells.   Be sure to understand that there is a difference between stage and grade.  My nurse told me in error in the beginning that I am at stage three with cancer when se read the pathology report and when in fact I was a Grade three.  It makes a world of difference.  I cried for two hours straight at work.  So another tip – wait until you talk it over with the doctor.  Grade one is a low grade and cancer cells look near normal and grow slow.  Grade two, are considered intermediate and they grow a little faster than normal.  Grade three cancer cells are little vicious buggers they look very different and are fast growing

What grade is your cancer? _______________________________________
Mine is nuclear Grade 3.

How big is your cancer?

For sure the doctors want to play a trick on you because now they jump to a metric system.  The tumor size will be measured in centimeters this also helps determine the stage and the treatment of the breast cancer. Mine was in size and weight 4, 5 X 3.0xo.3cm. The color is yellow.  It is true that a large tumor can grow slow and the other way around.  When planning the treatment is is kind of also up in the air until they cut you open.  The doctor needs a clear margin around the cancer of about one centimeter.
How big is your cancer?_____________

Do the cancer cells have Hormone receptors?
The way I think of the receptors is that the hormones are like water that boost the growth of the “cancer”/ plant.
ER by QIA Positive
The cancer has receptors (boosting power) for the hormones estrogen.  Mine is 93% positive.

PR by QIA positive
The cancer has receptors (boosting power) for the hormones progesterone.  Mine is 67% positive.
This is what I learned from my first pathology report

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