Anna's Journey  - Nominee Form

Anna's Journey

"Anna’s Journey” is not a traditional non-profit organization. “Anna’s Journey” started in July 2014 in honor of Anna K. Leon who was diagnosed with cancer on May 18, 2014 and is currently undergoing treatment. Anna is a working mom with four children who is living a full life but fighting breast cancer. 
As a family they started to seek out means to give back to other women who find themselves in a similar situation in order to bring HOPE.   “Anna’s Journey” wishes to match one working mom who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, to the gift of a FREE week of Resort vacation in Colorado. Their goal is to Help Other People Excel (HOPE) and trust that a white Christmas in Durango in 2014 will help doing that.
Christmas was picked to remind you that Christ was born on Christmas day as our HOPE for a future. For Anna on her journey, hope meant; a meeting with Jesus. Anna is derived from 'Hannah'. The name means 'grace' or 'favor'. She is identified as the wife of Phan'u-el. Phan'u-el means 'face of God' since Anna will be among the first to recognize the face of God when she sees the infant Jesus. Phan'u-el, her husband, was from the tribe of Asher, one of the northern tribes from the so-called ten lost tribes of Israel. 
“Anna’s Journey” strives to bring you the message of hope, love and peace and wants to remind you that meeting Jesus is really all that matters.   
John. 3: 16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
Instructions to nominate a friend or yourself,  can be  found on the form below.  Next year we will post the successful nominees picture with their short story.

Nomination Form

Due to the volume of requests, we simply can't reply to every wish.  Only one nominee will annually receive a free week of accommodation at Wyndham Durango.
 - A Wyndham Timeshare Resort in Colorado -

“Anna’s Journey” is not a traditional non-profit organization. “Anna’s Journey” receives the sponsorship for this Vacation Resort stay from a private business individual who wishes to stay anonymous.
Once a nominee is selected, (must be 21 years or older and have a credit card to check in with), she will be notified by e-mail & receive her Vacation Guest Certificate which will be used to Check In with. The selected nominee will personally be responsible for any and all vacation related expenses including but not limited to transportation, food and entertainment during their stay.
The SELECTED NOMINEE will receive ONE week of accommodation in a One Bedroom Unit
(sleeps up to 4), with a small kitchen and a Pull-Out Sofa in the living room area.

Name:____________________________________________                    Date of Application________________________
                                First                                       Last                                       
 Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
                                                Street                                                     City                                        State                       Zip

Telephone #: _____________________________________________________________________________________
                                                Home                                                      Cellular                                                 Other     
 Email address:  ___________________________________________________________________________________
Your relationship to nominee:_______________________________________________________________________

Contact Information for the nominee
                                First                                       Last                                       
 Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
                                                Street                                                     City                                        State                       Zip
 Telephone #: _____________________________________________________________________________________
                                                Home                                                      Cellular                                                 Other     
 Email address:  __________________________________________________________
 Occupation of Nominee:   _______________________________________________________Current age:  ____________                     
 Marital status:     □  Single  □ Married  □ Separated □ Divorced  □ Widowed  □ Other
Race/Ethnicity:   □ White/Non-Hispanic  □ Hispanic/Latino  □ Black/African American  □ Asian    
                             □ American Indian/Alaska Native  □ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander  □ Other
Citizenship:          □ US Citizen  □ Permanent Resident  □ Other

Number of children and ages: (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) _________(4) _________
 Date of Initial Diagnosis: ____________
 Copy of Dr’s confirmation letter included: _______(Y) _______(N)  
 Stage of Breast Cancer at Initial Diagnosis: _______________                                              Current Stage: ________________
 Check with a yes
___         I hereby commit to provide 2 photographs to be used on Anna K. Leon’s website for the purpose of showing my vacation -
                 one of me individually and one of me enjoying a fun vacation activity with my family or friends. 
___          I commit to write a short paragraph (consisting of 75 – 100 words), describing what this vacation meant to me.
 Medical Journey and why I (nominee) deserve this vacation stay:
 General Info:
Fact: Today, many honest hardworking American families struggle to make ends meet. Some, through no fault of their own, find themselves in serious financial trouble and never take the time out to relax and just put their feet up for a much needed vacation.  Many of these hardworking families include moms with breast cancer.
 The motive behind this gift is to allow one woman per year to enjoy a “White Christmas” vacation in Durango, Colorado.
 This is a gift to the selected nominee of ONE WEEK Resort vacation to be enjoyed during Christmas. Please check the website for Durango Resort info & directions: (
Please read and follow the Nomination Instructions stated below:
Print out this entire Nomination Form
Complete Nomination Form by hand
Scan and email Nomination Form to:
We will only receive nominations until the October 1, 2014 midnight.
The successful nominee will be notified by email on or before October 15, 2014
We ultimately HOPE that this will act as a small catalyst and inspire other people to do similar acts of kindness.
We truly rely on your honesty and integrity - a fraudulent request/ nomination will take this opportunity away from a deserving individual who legitimately qualifies for the assistance.

At check in, Wyndham (the resort) will require a credit card imprint to cover any negligent damage and/or personal charges which you may incur during your stay.  Please note - Wyndham will only issue guest certificates and allow check in to persons age 21 and older.
1. Check-In. Check-in time is at 4pm on Sunday December 21, 2014. No early check-ins.
2. Check-Out. Check-out time is at 10am on Sunday December 28, 2014. Late check-outs will result in a late check-out fee be charged to the guest’s credit card held on file at the resort.
Use of Premises: Vacationers will comply with all local laws, ordinances and community rules regarding the use of the premises. Vacationers will comply with all Wyndham Durango Resort’s set rules.
How did you hear about us?            □ Family Member  □ Friend  X Physician/Nurse/Social Worker
□ Our brochure  □ Internet (e.g., Google, Facebook, etc.)  □ News Media (magazine, newspaper, radio, TV)  □ Other
Our Mission
This is the mission the of Anna’s journey is to bring hope and remind you the ultimate hope lays in meeting Jesus.. Hope to help women LIVE to the fullest and bring back the fun!
Ultimately, the hope is that this will act as a catalyst and inspire other people to do similar acts of kindness, or donate a vacation that can be given to others, or just to donate towards this cause.  You can contact