Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Pre-op visit is coming up this afternoon

Today is the day of my pr-op visit with the plastic surgeon they will collect the co-pay $664.  take some awesome before pictures, I should have sprinkled my body like the teenagers with blinkers for the picture so that I can truly be a shiny star.  Perhaps I will paint my tummy with the Aggies symbol just because the Doctor always wears a UT cap when going in for surgery.   I know this inside info from all the other cancer patients.

My emotions are running wild all over the place, like fire ant when you step on their pile.  i feel tired, like crying for no good reason (I know it is better to start the treatment) But maybe I thought the day will never really come.  In someways I think are not trying to cheat destiny are we not suppose to die when you are diagnosed with terminal illness. What is the purpose of all of this?  How can anyone be please with suffering?

that sounds like a real pitty party.  then I think of the great things one can accomplish like Mary's House and I put my eye on the future and what I can mean for others  and that is just all I can think off now.  I definitely want to volunteer for Immermanangels.  Sorry to say but I am weak I am not as strong and powerful in myself as others...  I am just me...

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