Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rubb on Nipples

Our Mission is Mastectomy Empowerment is the educational hub for various undertakings with one common theme—breast healing. All of our endeavors encompass elements of the healing process after mastectomy. We strive to make a difference in the lives of women in need of breast healing.
The company, EV Endeavors, LLC, was formed in 2009 by Elizabeth Vivenzio on the heels of her mastectomy experiences. After having written patient educational materials for over 30 years, Elizabeth knew she could help other women following in her path by sharing the knowledge she had garnered on her journey. Her unique perspectives led her to the purpose of conveying the message of mastectomy empowerment.
Elizabeth Vivenzio
Elizabeth Vivenzio
Founder of publishes educational resources for post-mastectomy women. Our first site was launched as (now found on our navigation panel) with topics that provide coping strategies and preparation guidelines for those facing surgery. We also provide informative and practical self-care topics that promote post-op healing.
Another main focus covers education about the final stages of breast reconstruction including nipple reconstruction and areola tattooing. All About Nipples on the left navigation panel was initially published as
Based on her research about permanent areola pigmentation, Elizabeth invented the life-changing mastectomy product, Rub-On Nipples®, which are temporary areola tattoos for women with bare mounds after breast reconstruction. Rub-On Nipples® have been granted US Patents #D666421 and #D668061.
This evolution of information has come full circle with the development of topics related to post-mastectomy pain, breast deconstruction and the choice of no reconstruction.

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