Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Freebies & Discounts for Cancer Patients

Air Fare:
Air Care Alliance (ACA).  Provides listing of nonprofit organizations, nationwide, that fly patients to treatments at no charge. 800-296-1217; www.aircareall.orginfo@nationalpatienttravelcenter.org; Charlee@patienttravel.org
Corporate Angel Network, Inc. (CAN) Free airfare for cancer patients who can walk and travel without life-support or medical attention. www.corpangelnetwork.org
National Patient Travel Center Helpline Gateway leading to options to pay airfare  as well as for ground transportation for trips up to 300 miles to get to and from treatment. 1-800-296-1217; info@nationalpatienttravelcenter.orghttp://www.patienttravel.org/

Basic Needs:
Brenda Mehling Cancer Fund (BMCF). Forpatients ages 18-40.  Provides services to meet daily needs not covered by insurance. Typically $600 of medical co-payments, rent and mortgage, transportation, car insurance, repairs, and groceries; http://www.bmcf.net; 661-310-7950
Cancer Fund of America. Food, clothes, hygiene, and other products;www.cfoa.org/available_products.html
Children’s Cancer Fund of America.Children with cancer receive $25 to $50 each month.  www.ccfoa.org
National Children’s Cancer Society. Financial assistance, meals during treatment, phone cards, lodging during treatment, health insurance premiums, medical expenses not covered by insurance. Child must be diagnosed on or before his/her 18th birthday) 314-241-1600; 800-532-6459; www.children-cancer.com
United Way. Their 2-1-1 telephone helpline provides information and referral with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling resources and more. www.211.org

Breast Cancer Screenings:
Free MRI’s or help paying for them. For any woman with US residency. On-line application:https://www.patientservicesinc.org/onapp/apply.aspx. Or have a form mailed or faxed to you by calling Patient Services Inc 800-366-7741.

Breast Prostheses and Post-mastectomy Bras:
Breast Form Fund. These items are free for underserved women. Also provided is professional support and information for anyone coping with breast cancer. www.support@all4onealliance.org. Or Contact Breast Form Fund: 413-584-6673.
Breast Friends. These items are free for women with no or very limited insurance.  Other offerings, such as volunteer matches providing emotional, spiritual, and social support to survivors with any female cancer (one on one in some locations; by phone anywhere in the county); www.breastfriends.org; support@breastfriends.org.
Crickett’s Answer For Cancer. Free for any woman with breast cancer. CrickettsAnswer@comcast.net; 717-843-7903; 301-935-4411
Liberator Fashions. Free catalog of mastectomy bras and other lingerie. Company will see that qualifying customers get insurance reimbursement. Often no or little out-of-pocket expense for items.  www.liberatormedical.com/mastectomy-fashions/pdfs/2011mastectomycatalog.pdf
Y-Me. Breast prostheses and mastectomy bras for women with limited resources; YourShoes 24/7 Breast Cancer Support Center. 800-221-2141.

Camping (for kids with cancer as well as programs for siblings):Most are free
Camp directories by state and city:
Camp Kesem. Camp for kids whose parents have had cancer. A free week of games, arts, crafts and facilitated conversations for six-to sixteen-year-olds. Parents may be living with cancer or have died of cancer; http://campkesem.org; info@campkesem.org; 260-225-3736.

Counseling, Tai Chi, yoga, exercise classes, meditation, guided imagery. Support groups for family members, on-line forums for survivors. Free through the Wellness Community in many cities. www.cancer.supportcommunity.org; 888-793-9355
American Cancer Society. “I Can Cope.” Class via phone from your home addressing issues like nutrition, finances, emotional well-being and pain management.  800-ACS-2345
American Cancer Society. “Look Good…Feel Better.” Cosmetics and workshop on making yourself up. Free. For women undergoing treatment.  800-ACS-2345

Colon Cancer Help:
A $300 grant for colon cancer patients in treatment to help with rent, utilities, food, or other essentials.  For colon cancer patients making less than $75,000 a year. Blue Note Fund of the Colon Cancer Alliance. http://www.ccalliance.org; 202-628-0123
Ostomy supplies.Free for uninsured colon cancer patients. Call for other free supports  like educational programs. Colon Cancer Alliance. http://www.ccalliance.org; 202-628-0123
A $250 grant to qualified colorectal cancer patients.  Help with living expenses like child care, transportation to and from appointments,  groceries, cleaning services, and wigs. Chris 4Life. htttp://www.chris4life.org; info@chris4life.org; 773-551-5434

Free GasUSA. Assistance paying for gas to get to treatments, grocery shopping, and other places of necessity; www.freegasusa.org

Breasts Friends Hat Project. Free hats to women in treatment for cancer. http://www.breastfriends.org/programs/patient-outreach/hat-project; mail@breastfriends.com
Caps Against Cancer. Free ball caps for patients who have experienced hair loss due to chemotherapy treatments. PO Box 38731 Charlotte, NC 28278; www.facebook.com/capsagainstcancer
Hats for Happiness. Free (new and lovingly worn) www.hatsforhappiness.org
Heavenly Hats. Free hats to cancer survivors around the United States; http://www.heavenlyhats.com/ 
Hats off for Cancer. Free hats for children and young adults up to age 21. http://hatsoffforcancer.org/request-a-hat/

House Cleanings:
Free. Four monthly cleanings for women with cancer. In many states. www.cleaningforareason.org; 877-337-3348

Legal Assistance:
Cancer Legal Resource Center. Provides free information and resources on cancer-related legal issues to cancer survivors, their families, and others dealing with cancer; 866-843-2572; http://www.lls.edu/academics/candp/clrc.html
Patient Advocate Foundation. Not legal service, but will advocate for patients whose insurance companies’ practices are questionable or help find insurance. www.patientadvocatefoundation.org

Lodging During Treatments:
Joe’s House/Hope Lodge. 800-ACS-2345. Discounted lodging during treatment; www.joeshouse.org
American Cancer Society.  Lodging at downtown and suburban hotels for cancer patients. Discounted; 877-824-0660
National Association of Homes and Hospitality. Keeps a directory of nonprofits that offer free or significantly discounted lodging to patients during treatment; http://www.nahhh.org

Lymphedema Alert Band Alerts medics that you have or tend toward lymphedema. Free for patients with or at risk of developing lympedema. www.lymphedema.com/alertband.htm; 1-800-29-EDEMA

Lymphedema sleeves and hand gauntlets. Free to any woman with breast cancer. CrickettsAnswer@comcast.net; 717-843-7903; 301-935-4411

Meals on Wheels. Free In-home-delivered meals for income-eligible adults and children. Available in most areas of the country. Some programs also offer other home-related assistance, such as grocery shopping; 703-548-5558; www.mowaa.org

Medications/Health Care:
Cancercare.org. Financial Assistance for cancer care. 800-813-HOPE (4673); www.cancercare.org
Bone Marrow Foundation Patient Aid Program. Helps cover costs of donor searches, compatibility testing, bone marrow harvesting, medications, home and child care, medical equipment, transportation, cord blood banking, housing costs and other expenses associated with transplant; 212-838-3029; 800-3651336; http://www.bonemarrow.org/contact/contact.php
HealthWell Foundation. Assistance with medical expenses, established by specific disease. Grant ranges from $2,000 to about $15,000. Applicants must have some form of insurance and have income at up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level.  1-800-675-8416; http://www.healthwellfoundation.org/.
Needymeds. One-stop resource to find financial assistance for medications and health care costs. www.needymeds.org
Partnership for Prescription Assistance. Helps uninsured and financially struggling patients access healthcare and prescription assistance programs that offer medicines for free or nearly free. www.pparx.org; or 1-888-4PPA-NOW.
Good Days (Chronic Disease Fund) Financial assistance with medication for the underinsured. http://www.gooddaysfromcdf.org/aboutus

Ovarian Cancer Tumor Profiling Testing:
Free or discounted test, analysis and report. Downloadable application: http://www.clearityfoundation.org/financialform.aspx

Lydia Project. Tote bag with “goodies” inside.Free. www.thelydiaproject.org/secure/requestatote.asp
Crickett’s Answer For Cancer.  Mastectomy massage, other massage therapies, facial, manicure, basket of pampering products. Free to any woman with breast cancer. CrickettsAnswer@comcast.net; 717-843-7903; 301-935-4411

Rent or Utilities:
Breast Cancer Charities. For breast cancer patients during treatment. Those who qualify receive up to $500. Must be submitted by social worker or nurse; www.thebreastcancercharities.org/

Camp Mak-A-Dream. Medically supervised, cost-free Montana experience, in an intimate community setting, for different groups, including women of all cancers, ovarian cancer patients, children, and young adults with cancer.  info@campdream.org; 410-549-5987; http://www.campdream.org/contact.html
Casting for Recovery.Woman affected by cancer learnfish flying in a peaceful natural setting, while making friends.  Counseling, education, facilitated by health/psychosocial professionals.  Offered throughout most of the United States. 1-888-553-3500 http://castingforrecovery.org
First Descents. Kayaking, rock climbing and other outdoor adventures for young adults with cancer. Offered in six states. Free. Travel scholarships available to those in need. 303-945-2490; http://www.firstdescents.org

Transportation to and from treatments and doctors appointments
Road to Recovery. Free. 800-ACS-2345; http://www.cancer.org/Treatment/SupportProgramsServices/road-to-recovery
Patient Travel Foundation. Long ground trips (and flights) http://www.patienttravel.org
Vacations and Other Special Wishes:
Dream Foundation. Grants final dreams from the heart to adults with life-threatening illnesses. May include vacation with a couple of family members, help with a utility bill, an appliance, or gift for ill adult’s child. 805-564-2131; http://www.dreamfoundation.org/contact-us

Web-based Support Communities:
www.lotsahelpinghands.com. Forum for help organizing assistance with meals, rides, and other support. Provides a platform for sharing information.
www.caringbridge.org. On-line features include care journal to update family and friends, guest book for messages of support, photo gallery, and support for using the service
www.carepages.com. Displays updates on the patient’s condition, photos, message board for visitors, open forums to connect to other CarePage members; researched health information
www.MyLifeLine.org. Forums for updating friends and family, guest book for leaving messages, photo gallery for posting pictures, planner to facilitate scheduling help

American Cancer Society. Free. 800-ACS-2345 to locate a chapter near you
Wigs for Kids. For children under the age of 18. Free. www.wigsforkids.org/medical
Susan G. Komen for the Cure. To locate a chapter near you; http://ww5.komen.org/affiliates.aspx
Crickett’s Answer For Cancer. Wigs and other head fittings as well as salon services for wigs. Free to any woman with breast cancer. CrickettsAnswer@comcast.net; 717-843-7903; 301-935-4411

Y-ME.  Wigs and styling tips for women with limited resources.  YourShoes 24/7 Breast Cancer Support Center; 800-221-2141

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