Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Pre-op Visit was all about releasing the surgeon of all liability and getting the shape just right

Well my Pre-op appointment was like this:

XX and I  went again to see the doctor (Plastic Surgeon).  First I sat down with the really serious skinny looking nurse.  And she told me that I need 3 prescriptions but the doctor might add a antibiotic  post and he did when he showed.  She told me about the special bra that I have to buy and have at my first meeting with the doctor after the surgery that button at the front.  She  gave me all the instruction and detail for before explained the drains or tubes  and how I need to log the fluid daily and showed me how it open and close, plus she explained that I will have those drains in my body for 2- 4 weeks.   Then comes doctor Steve – dressed to kill – he really dress up. 

Again I went through all the measurements, all done in centimeters  Hooray for the European metric system!  Where my chest will be how far out how far in, how high and no more low jingling. Moving up at least 5 to 9 cm it sounds like good art work to me.  The doctor explained the slicing options to me he can do a w -cut and a line  below;  or just the oval cut  over the center of the breast. 

The pro's and cons: The oval heals fast and ensure good blood supply , the w – cut is slower healing and the risk of bad blood  supply and they have to redo the surgery.  I chose the W –cut.  The w – cut give you higher boobs because it adds in a tuck and more possibilities for cleavage, with or without the bra.  

Plus I chose the eight of each now and guessing 550 and initial fill of about 350.  I explained to  him that I want high good looking cleavage and size able breast.  He said I can give you that only because you are a non-smoker and I have no idea what that have to do with it.   Since I have to go through the pain I want to look awesome not just great.  We discussed the implants placement and their shape and height.  Since I am done in Cedar Park he will only see me twice and Dr. B will be the one to release me on Thursday.

At the end of the visit we paid the $664 . 

I have to go in for markings of the w on Monday afternoon.

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