Friday, July 11, 2014

Arizona Finally one Christian Breast Cancer Support group

poem HomeBosom Buddies of Arizona is an organization of caring volunteers who have personal experience dealing with the challenges of breast cancer. Our mission is to provide support through the sharing of common experiences and knowledge. Bosom Buddies has monthly breast cancer support groups, a 24/7 hotline, educational programs, and a free breast cancer newsletter. Our goal is to assure women they are not alone in their journey through breast cancer.
If you have found a breast lump, have been diagnosed with breast cancer, have a friend or loved one who might benefit from our services, use our support or just need someone to talk to, please call or e-mail us.
  • Call our hotline and an operator will link you to a trained breast cancer survivor to answer your questions. Hotline: 602.231.6648
  • You can also send an e-mail to Though we act as quickly as possible to answer your e-mail questions or provide information, it may take up to 24 hours for you to receive a response from someone on our team. If your needs are more immediate, please call our hotline.
  • If you would like more information about our support groups, please see our support page.
Please check our web page Breast Cancer Information Resources for information on our free publication “Navigating Your Breast Cancer Journey – Maricopa County Resources”.
From Amanda, a member of our Circle of Help Advanced Breast Cancer group: “I was diagnosed in 2009 with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. For a long time I couldn’t find assistance for my needs. Finally I was introduced to Bosom Buddies. From then on I was filled with so much information. The group of women there are so amazing. We give each other moral support, strength, and comfort during the rough days of our journey with Metastatic Breast cancer. Metastatic Breast cancer needs financial support and knowledge more now than ever. One way we are getting some assistance is through the Bosom Buddies clothing bins, these bins are placed around the city.” (Her daughter shares: The meetings are extended to the families as well. I am able to talk freely about my fears and have made great friends.)
- See more at:

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