Friday, July 11, 2014

Immerman Angel letters

Hi Anna,

Everything you are feeling is 100% normal.  I felt exactly the same way. I am here for you to lean on, cry to, talk about your fears, etc.  

I was very single when going through treatment, but have had a boyfriend for the last 14 months.  You may not feel sexy for a while because of surgeries, treatments, etc but you will get it back.  The intimacy will not suffer for long.

I absorbed everyone's feelings and fears too.  Used to make me so mad.  That ia why you have me.  I understand what you're going through and your fears,  pains and emotions.  I'll pray for you.

What time is best to call you tonight?   I don't want to interupt family time.  

Also the phone # on the info from Meredith is my cell phone.   You can call or text anytime. 

I was just in Austin.  My best friend lives in Round Rock.  We went to Lost Pines a little over a year ago to celebrate my completing chemo.   Make sure you put things on your calendar to look forward too.  

Chat with you tonight.  Nothing is off limits.  :)


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S™ III, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Hi Anna

I'm Xi and I got your contact information from Meredith at Imerman's Angels.  I am a breast cancer survivor who underwent a double mastectomy almost 2 years ago.  I will be here for you through the process to answer all your questions, to be a supportive ear and just someone who understands how you're feeling and what you are going through. 

I'm so terribly sorry that you've been diagnosed with this horrible disease.  Just know you are never alone. 

I will call you tomorrow evening and we can talk about anything and everything you want.  The fear of the unknown is so much greater than the reality.  You're starting a new chapter in your life and it's scary right now, but you're going to feel better and do better than you expect. 

Thinking of you,


: RE: Imerman Angels Introduction: 

Hello Xi,

Thanks for your willingness to lend some support and mentorship.  As you know after a while yourself get tired of talking cancer to your kids and family.  I have 4 children ranging from 24 to 13.  And as you can see I am a working mom.    Live downtown.

How kind of you to speak to me.  I am 47 years old and a immigrant from XXand now US Citizen.  What a crazy thing to have breast cancer so sudden.  Honestly it never crossed my mind that this will be the case with me.  For 13 years I had not gone for a mammogram.  Thank God that  I did go.  

On  July 29 I will have a double mastectomy.

It is a bit scary (oh yes sorry for my bad English my first language is XX) - I started packing my bag, for the hospital.  Who knows why?  I wonder al lot  about life after mastectomy... you know intimacy.

I am not even sure what to think about all the stuff.  I was diagnosed formally on a Monday in May but the first time they found it was April 18, then I went from one thing to the other, and I seeked a second opinion.  

First I was shocked - then I had to tell others and believe it or not I had to absorb there feelings and walk them through it specially my 13 year old daughter cried a lot, then I waited for the 13, 15 years summer activities to be mostly over before I start treatment - so that moved my treatment on to the end of July so that I do not mess their summer up.   

But lately I am so tired I feel too tired sometimes to get up in the morning to come to work.  I work on a line and help consumer resolves their personal lines, insurance that includes health insurance. Sometimes I wish they can just get to the point where they yank this cancer out of my body, after all I did not ask for it. 

In the last week since I am now just more so waiting for surgery and just a few doctors visits I catches myself being angry at times just feeling it is unfair - but then we know God does not give us trials above what we can handle... but yet... who wants to be and optimist sober logic straight thinking cancer patient all the time... we all I guess it is just not so possible.

I am writing a book oops no boobs perhaps you can give me input on that.  I write under the name Anna K Leon

Hope I was not to boring.

Thanks for listening


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