Friday, July 11, 2014

Karen Wellington gifts to others

2013 Gifts

Karen’s Foundation continues to grow, with 26 trips already taken this year, a spa party for 15 women at Woodhouse Day Spa, while 9 other women enjoyed a personal day at the spa with a friend and lunch or dinner out, and other gifts of fun including a season pass to Kings Island, and a getaway weekend of inspiration at a guitar camp.
Ann,  40-something.  After losing her husband to cancer and LIVING with cancer herself, Ann and her college-age kids were up for an adventure.  They got it.  Kayaking, hiking and enjoying the mountain air in Vancouver (Whistler, British Columbia).  Ann wrote, ” One year ago we were in a very different frame of mind working through many challenges, never dreaming we would be experiencing such a turn of events this summer.  Every day was an adventure!
Patty age 54.  “A two year battle with breast cancer left us brok and bewildered.  So if timing is everything, the gift from the Karen Wellington Foundatin of a vacation in Cancun was perfect.  I was able to laugh and rejoice in life once again.  It is through your gift, I feel restored.”
Susie, 40-something, after an early summer trip to Sarasota with her three teenage boys: “Honestly, the best part of the whole trip was that we were able to just relax and hang out as a family.  At home, everyone has so much going on – busy but not so important stuff.  This gave us the chance to spend time together.”
Leigh Ann, vacationed in New Smyrna Beach, Florida with her husband and two daughters (ages 6 and 9).  Leigh Anne was able to see th joy on her kid’s faces as they took their first plane ride and saw the ocean for the first time.  Sadly, Leigh Anne passed just one month after returning from this trip, but those special positive memories from the last vacation live on.
Angel, 40-something and living with stage 4 breast cancer while substitute teaching and tutoring, enjoyed a “magical” vacation in Kiawah, South Carolina, noting that “the ocean is such a healing place.”
Colleen, 43, after raising money for a trip for others through a walkathon her family organized, Colleen swam with the dolphins at Discovery cove in Orlando and also spent time in New Smyrna Beach with her husband and two kids who were able to see the ocean for the first time.
Katie, age 34 with a three year old son.  Friends donated a condo in Hawaii for Katie to enjoy some time away after two years of treatment and we picked up the flights and gave them some important spending money for some FUN in Hawaii.
Judy’s husband died last year to go along with her cancer challenges while working as a secretary.  This year she was able to enjoy some relaxing time away at Lake Lanier (north of Atlanta) with her special daughters.
Jaque, 60-something, a retired mammography tech missed out on the annual trip to Chattanooga due to treatment, but had a grand vacation later in the year to Chattanooga with extended family once treatments had ended.
Vicki,  30-something, took a break from weekly chemo treatments so that she and her husband could spend some relaxing time away in Villa Del Palmar, Cancun.
Virginia, 51, wished for her family to spend the Thanksgiving holiday together. With kids in college and dispersed, that had not happened in years.  Thanks to collaboration with special friends, Sten and Irma, the family was able to unite in Cancun, Mexico for a special vacation together.
Lynn, 48, we met through a nomination from our Miami, Ohio PSE fraternity connection.  Originally diagnosed with breast cancer after her twins were born, she vacationed at Marriott Harbour Lake, Disney after Christmas with her husband and four children.
Duffy, diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in her 60′s, Duffy endured painful treatments and had little on the calendar to look forward to.  That changed when family nominated Duffy for some fun in hopes of relieving the sterss and anxiety of living with cancer.  Duffy and a few close friends vacationed at the Sea Breeze Inn in Amagansett, New York.
Tami, 48, an author of “From Incurable, to Incredible,” LIVING with breast cancer, practiced what she preached by vacationing with her husband and daughter in Longboat Key, Florida.
Paula, 40-something, also vacationed in Longboat Key with her husband and three kids, sending us postcards along the way as the family enjoyed time together and new experiences.
Carol,  50-something, battled complications from cancer treatments and other family tragedy, but got an important family vacation on the calendar to Reynolds Plantation (north of Atlanta), which she ejoyed with her husband, Rick and four children.

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