Thursday, June 12, 2014

All about family - stick together like peanut butter and jam

My family remind me of the great story of Naomi and Ruth that sticked together as a family like peanut butter and jam and in the end God blessed them both, with a larger family and a future.

It is a great idea to read some other Cancer stories so that you can have an idea what could happen.  Not all stories are sad and not all stories are happy…
My friend Vicky told me that a cancer diagnosis is as hard, if not harder, on the families of the cancer patient.  They are worried, frightened, and feel absolutely helpless.  And every family member deals with it differently.  My eldest daughter immediately jumped in with lots of good encouraging messages and her office of 250 people started praying for me.  The first diagnosis I received of staging from the nurse was devastating absolutely devastating but then later it turned out to be a much better situation.  And I will say that prayer makes the difference.  Sarah immediately offered to come and stay with us one month after the surgery.  My son that is 22 in New York City immediately helped me look in options for health insurance cost.  My two teenage daughters that are still at home are the ones that still struggles the most.  As far as my husband his being an absolute sweetheart, he go with me to every doctor’s visit, he listens to every boring concern I have.   He took me and my two youngest daughters on a glorious vacation last week to San Francisco. 
My family is no exception.  But here’s where I’m the lucky one…correction, WE’RE the lucky ones:  when the chips are down, we rally …. as a family.  So we will fight this disease together.  Collectively, we’re unbeatable through Christ.
I am sooo blessed!  Thank you, God, for filling my life with such amazing people!

Some quick tips to help your family:
Keep your life as normal as possible
Keep the children’s routine the same.
Continue to reassure younger children that you love them and that things will be ok.

The teenager that totally quiet out should be watched and you might ask her opinion to make sure she is working through it also

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