Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Beautiful Princess that is you

Beauty and Health

Why are we even considering being beautiful when we are involved in a struggle for life.  When we are at war with the big C.  Why are we concerned about our boobs and losing them?  Why did I go and perm my hair in a wash and wear yesterday to ensure I look beautiful after the surgery?  Why a I concerned about my looks – should I not be more concerned preparing my heart and soul?  To be ready just in case I get to dance eternally with Christ and the angels.

Well call me human because I just had to perm my hair and be able to look good and feel a little better about myself.  It is not that you can call me gorgeous now but it did boost my self esteem somewhat, however my skin turned did not take it well at all.  My skin is over sensitive and it burned in my neck skin so that nothing can even touch it.  It is like someone poured boiling hot water on my neck.  I applied some germolene antibiotic crème on it for burns and then it felt like I was on fire.  This is not due to any medical treatment yet  I understand during chemo and radiation I will have to take extra gentle care but what happened now is before treatment is started…  Maybe we want to be pretty so that we will be acceptable to those that we love – perhaps in that back of our head as girls we feel we can only be love if we are the perfect beauty queen with the perfect body.  Inside every woman is the soul desire to be the princess that lives happily ever after with the prince that adore her till death them do apart.

Maybe as women can blame society or men, magazines, Hollywood the media – but in the end if you review history it seems that it always just had being this way.  There is a natural desire within every woman to be beautiful and men naturally desire beautiful women because it is as if he has obtained the ultimate prize of life then.

When we read the story of Queen Vasthi that stood on her principles and denied the drunk king her husband, to show of his wife body in a dancing process before his drunken friends. Queen Vasthi husband King Ahasuerus, so he divorced her and she was banished.    Then the king's servants said 'Let beautiful and virtuous girls be sought out for the king
The king shall appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, and they shall select beautiful young virgins to be brought to the harem in Susa,  The king was lonely then and decided he will marry the most beautiful women in the land. There was a young Jewish orphan called Esther that lived with her uncle Mordecai, she kept her identity as a Jew secret.

Hadassah, Esther's Jewish name, means 'myrtle', a tree whose leaves only release their fragrance when crushed. Her heroism only appeared when she and her people were in danger.  'Esther' means 'hidden': her Jewish identity was hidden for many years.

Ester was chosen to be sent time in preparation with other young girls in the palace and in the end the king picked her to be Queen. Her uncle was a servant of the king and Mordecai, a servant of the king, overheard a plot and warned his master through Esther.  Esther saved Mordecai from Haman  Esther 3-8:14.  If you read the story you will note that Mordecai upset Haman that was a high court official that then in turn decided to kill all Jews and Mordecai in a plot.  Queen Ester then prepared herself to look awesome when she approached the king.  With this action she put her own life on the line.  If the king refused to see her she could be banished or put to death.  She pleaded with the king at two banquets she gave, and Haman was punished. He was hanged on the very gibbet he had built for Mordecai.  Esther saved the Jewish people        Esther 8:15-10  

Letters were sent throughout the kingdom repealing the decree and the Jewish people in Persia were save  All the Jewish people was happy and greatly rejoiced and a festival called the Perim was introduced to rejoice and remember Esther.

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