Friday, June 13, 2014

Have a Seat, relax then read this slowly ( I changed this)

Have a seat, relax, then read this slowly.

Ephesians 2:4-6  "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ  (by grace you have been saved),  and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus," 

I Believe...that as we grow in maturity and wisdom:
That we don't have to change friends if
We understand that friends change.
Simply Analyze yourself and see how you've changed 

I Believe...
Perfect relationships do not exist -
Jesus closest friends denied him and put him to death...
That no matter how good a friend is,
They're going to hurt you
Every once in a while
And you must forgive them for that.
Christ forgive as as we forgive others.

I Believe...
That true friendship continues to grow,
Even over the longest distance.
true friendship knows no limits in time or borders...
But true friends can normally be counted on not 
more than two hands...
The scripture states that a neighbor/ friends close by
is better to have than a distant family member

I Believe... 
that I am as imperfect as can be,  even when I strive after perfection
Overtime I experienced that I make many mistakes and
That you can do something in an instant
That will give you heartache for life.
But you have to learn to forgive yourself ,
just as God forgive you...
His forgiveness is complete for you

I Believe....
I can always strive for better -
my experience is...
That it's taking me a long time

To become the person I want to be.
And when I think I am just about there,
then the Holy Spirit take you to a deeper level...
then you start all over again! 

I Believe...
(I have to learn to exercise this more diligently)
That you should always leave loved ones with loving words,

It may be the last time you see them.

I Believe...
That you can keep going long after you think you can't.
because most of the time you have no choice life goes on...
Can you stop the baby from coming when pregnant?
When diagnosed with cancer can you wish it away?
What you can do  - is adjust your attitude!

I Believe...
That we are responsible for what we do,
No matter how we feel.
And every action is a seed in the ground with a consequence.
Sowing and reaping,
God forgive us but we still have to bare the consequences of our deeds...
You still have to walk out the consequence,
 in society's laws and natural laws..

I Believe...
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
Using alcohol or drugs to control the attitude
may only end in a disaster...

I Believe...
That true leaders are the people
Who do what has to be done
When it needs to be done,
even if it hurts themselves...
But a true leader always consider others before himself as Christ 
a good measure for life is
What would Jesus do?
or when in doubt - then walk away!

I Believe...
That my best friend and I
 can do anything or nothing
And have the best time
Because in the end all that counts is being together...

I Believe...
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're
Down will be the ones to help you get back up.
When you are down  - pay attention who comes to lend you a hand
they are true friends

I Believe...
That sometimes when I'm angry
I have the right to be angry, but that
Doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
The scripture talks about being angry but warn us not to sin

I think...
That maturity has more to do with the experiences you've had,
what you have taken away from each experience
 and less to do with your age...
but there comes a time in age when life slows you down and 
you have more than enough time to meditate 
past experience and if you did not learn from it before
you will now in the quiet of your old age learn...
and be able to pass invaluable wisdom to youngsters that 
are prepared to lend and ear...

I Believe...
That it isn't always enough
To be forgiven by others,
Sometimes you have to learn
To forgive yourself.
But to be forging by God is more important than anything...

I Believe...
That no matter how badly
Your heart is broken,
The world doesn't stop for your grief.
the heart always heal,
and learn to love again if you let go  of all bitterness. 

I Believe...
That our background and circumstances
May have influenced who we are, but
We are responsible for who we have become,
and where we go in future...
this second is the beginning of the rest of your time,
and you are the main artist that paint your life canvass

I Believe...
That you shouldn't be
So eager to find out a secret,
It could change your life forever.
If you should know those that keep the secret will share it

I Believe...
Two people can look at the same
Thing and see something totally different.
Then they can walk together and agreement
if they can agree to disagree on that specific issue...

I experienced.
That your life can be changed
In a matter of hours even second,

By people who don't even know you.
By your own choices...
By just life!

I Believe...
That even when you think
You have no more to give,
When a friend cries out to you,
You will find the strength to help.
In love there is always more...

I Believe...
That credentials on the wall
Do not make you a decent human being or a success
I met so many master degrees and Doctors degrees that  
are waiters for less than $9 an hour

I Believe...
That the people you care about
Most in life are taken from you too soon.

I Believe...
That you should send this to
All of the people that you believe in.
 I just did.
'The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything,
They just make the most of everything they have.
there are always those that have less
and there are always those that have more...
so perhaps you are just where you should be?

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