Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Boobs - Breast T...

Boobs  - Breast  Ti…  swinging  -swooping

Songs of Solomon 4:5 -6
5"Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle Which feed among the lilies. 6"Until the cool of the day When the shadows flee away, I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh And to the hill of frankincense.…

They come in all shapes and sizes, saggy, round, floppy, tight, teardrop, round, flat…  Breast never look the identically the same  Experts say that you should be able to identify the shape of your boob to get a good bra fit.  I really have never thought of my breast this much or in this way before.  But when I visited the surgeon yesterday he simply said and many women want to go smaller to like a C –cup and I thought for myself who want to go in and have something smaller.  Did it not take enough already from yourself image to go through this trauma.   I think of anything I should go bigger. If you are in Texas they saying go the bigger the better.

Available shapes:
Round boobs
Round breastsMark this option if your breasts are mostly rounded.
Pointy boobs
Pointy breastsMark this shape if you notice your boobs to more somewhat pointy.
Full on top
Full on top breasts
The description says most of it. If you do have boobs that are full on top choose this option.
Full on bottom
Full on bottom
This seems like a more natural shape for larger boobs, it is quite normal that bigger/heavier boobs tend to be full on the bottom. Mark this option if describes you :).
Wide root
Wide root
Choose this if the part of your torso where your boobs are attached takes a big part of your chest. Usually when your boobs go back under your arms and are not very separate.
Narrow root
Narrow root
This is the opposite of the previous shape, in this case your boobs do not have much tissue on the sides of your torso. This does not mean smaller boobs, just a small "root" of the breast.
Wide boobs
Wide boobs
Wide boobs are boobs that are wider than the root, it is usually the case of slim torsos with narrow roots and big boobs.
Narrow boobs
Narrow boobs
This will most likely go together with a wide root breast on a medium to small cup size. Where the overall breast tissue does not expand further to the sides than the breast root.
High nipples
High nipples
Mark this option if your nipples are high on your breast.
Low nipples
Low nipples
Mark this option if your nipples are low on your breasts, not necessarily pointing down, but just low on the breast.
Close boobs
Close boobs
This means that your boobs are very close together on your chest. You usually have problems with the underwire rubbing your breasts near your sternum.
Separate boobs
Separate boobs
Mark this if your boobs are separate on your torso and have two or more fingers separation between them.
Rather Empty
Rather empty boobs
Select this shape if your boobs lack volume and/or have too much skin.
Broad shoulders
Torso with broad shoulders
Mark this option if you have broad shoulders. This can make a difference in how the bra straps fit.
Narrow shoulders
Torso with narrow shoulders
You should check this option if you have very narrow shoulders. You'll know this because you usually have trouble with open coats and purses sliding off :P
High on chest
Boobs high on chest
This shape represents boobs that start very high on your torso, not necessarily perky, but they are attached close to your shoulders.
Low on chest
Boobs low on chest
Use this shape if your boobs start very low in your torso, this may result in your breasts feeling like they hang low, but not necessarily, as this just means that your boobs are attached to your torso somewhat low.
Surgically Enhanced
Surgically enhanced boobs
You'd mark this shape if you currently have any sort of breast implant.

Can Areola Size Be Reduced?

Are you embarrassed or unhappy with the size of your areolas? You’re not alone. In fact, many women feel insecure with the aesthetics of their breasts. Often times, areola or nipple size can appear disproportionately large on one’s breast as a result of genetics, pregnancy, or increasing age.
For those experiencing proportion issues, asymmetry between the right and left nipples, or stretching of the areolas following an augmentation, areola reduction repair is a surgical option for correction. Areola reduction surgery removes the pigmented area from the outside of the areola to achieve a reduced circumference as well as symmetry between both breasts.
Although this surgery is performed by making a direct incision, the proper placement of incisions and meticulous surgical techniques should leave minimal scarring. This procedure is usually performed under local or general anesthesia, and when performed on its own the recovery phase is quite tolerable. Patients may be instructed to wear a supportive bra during the relatively short healing process.  Exercise and physical activity should be kept to a minimum.
Areola reduction repair is sometimes performed in conjunction with other breast procedures such as a breast augmentation or a breast lift. In addition to reducing the size of the areola, nipples can also be reduced if they appear too long or project too far out. This particular procedure is called nipple reduction surgery.
In addition to areola and nipple reduction surgeries, there are a number of plastic surgery options available for repairing or restoring the breasts. A thorough examination and careful evaluation performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon will determine which type of procedure will provide the best results for the desired outcome.
For additional information, or to schedule a consultation at Amae Plastic Surgery Center, call (855) 744-2287.

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