Friday, June 13, 2014

Encouraging letter I recieved

Hello again to you beautiful ladies!!!

Hey You - just you over there, I hear the Lord has already been moving in  your situation!!  I am rejoicing with you that our Father has all of this  under His control, and that He will get all the glory from this seemingly “terrible” situation.  I have learned that when things are blowing up around me, I start  looking for God’s hand in it all.    We often do not understand what is happening and why at the time, but I have learned the meaning of “God will use it for good for those who trust in the Lord. “  Now having said that, I understand that in the natural we have to go through the treatment process which does require an investment of our time, and a determination to turn it all over to God.  No worry.  No fear.  Just trust.  One day at a time.  One appointment at a time.  One treatment at a time.  And pretty soon the whole process is over and  your life moves forward with new wisdom and a deeper faith and understanding that God truly walks us through everything in our lives.  Both good and seemingly bad. 

When I went through my treatment the Lord showed me the only way for me to get behind those doors to minister hope to others was to have what they had!!!!  So I called all of my chemo sessions my “beauty treatments”,  formed a dinner group with all of the ladies on my chemo day, started rocking wild earrings, and hippie clothes!!  No more preppie for me!   It sounds strange to say, but you can make anything into a party if you just determine to maintain your peace and joy.  I told the enemy I may have to go do all of this, but I will make you pay for taking me in there!!!  I will bring hope, joy, life, laughter, love, and prayers for everyone I meet along the way.  I will pray for everyone everywhere!!!  So I looked at my whole year of treatment as an opportunity to touch everyone along my path.  I received emails, phone calls, gifts of thanks, and letters telling me they could not have done this without me!!!  All of the ladies moved their appointment days to my days so I would be with them to make them laugh through our treatment.

I don’t know what treatments will be recommended for you, but I will say I highly recommend having a double mastectomy with reconstruction if your insurance allows.  It is worth everything to never have to deal with this again!!!  Not to mention the benefit of the new reconstruction!!!   At 47 years old I had  what I now call my “God-Makeover”.  I was a “Nearly A” all of my younger life, and finally became a saggy B after nursing several children!!  So it was scary for me to even think about becoming a full C!!!  I had decided to opt for a small B cup right up until the morning of my surgery when I told the doctor to stuff all you can get in that hole!!!  So I ended up a Full C cup and they are perfect and beautiful.  I am very pleased with my decision.

So your scripture today is Psalm 105:37 which says “He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes.”  The Personal for you Living Translation says it this way:  He will bring You through this trial with beautiful new lady parts that she will not have to pay for, and You will fully recover, with renewed energy and vigor for life with her new gorgeous figure!!!!   

You, I pray that the Lord will give you and your doctors His wisdom on what is THE BEST treatment plan for you!!!!  And that He will hand select every medical person that talks or touches you.  And may you walk in His perfect peace that passes all understanding in the midst of the storm.

Much love to you beautiful  blessed ladies!!!!!!

From  your lady Friend

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