Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why a blog there are so many others around?

I am writing this blog under my authors name since that just make it easier for me.  I have yet to share with my family and friends other than co-workers and children that I have breast cancer.  I would agree with a friend of mine that everything happens for a reason no such thing as coincidence

For example, I had an doctor’s appointment scheduled in April simply to obtain a FMLA letter for my work since my health was totally acting out.  I have worked on the 11th floor for near 15 years and my fear of heights never played a role at work.  But after a recent breakdown for one week in the elevators and me being stuck in an elevator.  I tried medication to calm down my anxiety but nothing helped.  Finally on April 18, I went to see the doctor it was Good Friday.  I had not had a mammogram in 13 years so I thought I might as well do it that day since I was not working in the afternoon.  The thought even crossed my mind why will the doctor continue seeing me as a patient if I never listen to them and have a mammogram done.
Good thing I did, because one  mammogram would lead to another and yet another and then to a biopsy..   I have not  been diligent about self exams that was another mistake on my side. 
But then on my breast they felt lumpy all over. In a later discussion with Dr. K. he said it is because believe it or not that at age 47 my breast tissue was considered young breast, they were still bouncy  and he said that is young tissue I feel .  Did I feel a lump I would have gone in right away. 

 My guardian angel is obviously on the job and has my back or for us believers God was still on my side, evenn though later many times I doubt so many times with the Why?
I also believe that every challenge we face in life is a teaching moment.  If we don’t learn what we are supposing to the first time, then we get hit with it again, later in life, and far more dramatic than the first time.

I had a defeatist attitude at first  I knew the diagnosis I walked with my mom right through her inflammatory breast cancer stage three.. However I didn’t feel I could share what I was feeling with my family (who wants to listen to someone having a constant pity party?).  I felt very alone….my own doing.  I most defiantly do not want to hear poor you!

I decided to do my best  to maintain a positive attitude and prepare myself to kick some major cancer booty. By  Starting the blog  it helped me express myself and keep pity parties to a minimum and I am doing this for in preparation of my book called OOPS no BooBs   later I decided to add into this the inspiring woman from the bible and a little of their amazing stories..
In the meantime I  have learned?  First of all, I have an amazing family….my exhubby (who is also my best friend and my domestic partner = husband), my kids.  I always knew we were amazing, but this experience reminded me of how lucky I am.  Soon this weekend I will rally….the whole fam damily my brothers and mom and dad..

Second, I learned I have an extraordinary “extended family” in , co-workers, and acquaintances.  So many prayers on my behalf and  good faith sent my way.  I am so blessed and thank God everyday for the people in my life.

Third, I learned to take every day as it comes and be thankful that I am around to enjoy it.  Don’t sweat the small stuff cuz life is too short….and everything is “small stuff”.

Finally, I see this as a wake-up call.  God will give me only so many chances to learn what I should have learned the first time.  Exercise more, and eat healthy.  Just because I got great news yesterday does not mean that I don’t need to make changes in my life….I do and I will.  It’s all part of the journey.

Ladies - do monthly self exams.  If you aren’t sure how to do it, learn.  Insist on a diagnostic mammogram if you see ANY changes from one month to another, no matter how minor. Cancer is just sneaky..

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