Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Letter After plastic Surgeon Visit to my kids

Dear Children and close family 

I saw the plastic surgeon this morning  - for the final word on my surgery and stuff or near final word – it really is never final – the treatment after the fact will depend on the pathology report.  My nip. will rise about -- cm – that is how droopy time got to me…  (WOW)… now it is going to be all erased at least up here… they going to grab that Cancer and toss it away…

I will have surgery on July 29, 2014 in C Hospital

I will spent 2  days in the hospital then come home and be home for 2 weeks thereafter the next week I will be back to work working part time or having to stay off .

They will do a bilateral mastectomy in C Park hospital, and start reconstruction with spacers in immediately . 
They will cut the nip. off –  and toss them in the closest thrash can (sparing them is not worth it)

The General Surgeon will dig in my red meat to find all the cancer, he will have a bright silver pan handy where he will toss the red breast tissue and all the white breast fat in.  The nurse will quickly wrap it up before the meat gets to cold and put it in a safe place.  Perhaps the fridge at the left far corner of the theater room.  The nurse will finally place this two packet of red meat on a scale and weight the breast tissue.  If I am lucky it will weigh into what the plastic surgeon guessed each one of my B weigh 550 gram. 

Believe it not – like ripples believe it not – then it is time for the surgeon to go wash his hand and for the plastic surgeon to get scrubbed in. 

On my chest will lay two empty envelopes of breast skin that used to be my beautiful size D   - size before.

Then empty out the breast like an envelope – the breast tissue will be send for second pathology report  - no nip. Preserving…. Then they will press in a little silicone bag with a magnet on in the empty breast envelopes and start stitching slowly whilst Bach is playing on Pandora  - stitch by stitch – drum beat by drum beat – measure by measure.  I will be laying sleeping snoring with – oxygen tube jammed down my throat while my heart beat to the rhythm of the music and the doctors brows sweat and your dad pace up and down up and down in the waiting room.  I will wake up finally by God’s grace from my deep sleep.  Just to say  Hi to visitors and look at your lovely faces smile and say – yip I still love you all with all my heart.  Finally I will be a new being – with salt water breast – they might float in water so I guess I will never drown  - Yip and that is where I am heading. 

So if everything went well and they were able to find all the cancer with a clear margin of one centimeter then I might need no radiation. But radiation... can be expected but I sincerely hope not.

They don’t think I need to  receive chemo but the plastic surgeon warned that is not 100% I will only really know after the they are done scooping the tissue and it had being tested once again.

Sjoe so I will really stay upbeat and be sure that I buy myself a few brand new Victoria secret bras after the time and a new swim suit.

Let me not lie to you I have had nightmares the last few nights about big black wholes not in space but in my B…  thank God I woke up this morning and it was not so…

I am looking forward to S-‘s gracious offer to come and help at home

Talk to you again

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