Monday, June 30, 2014

our last Vacation trip before the surgery

my trip toSan Francisco by Llooli my youngest daughter
I held my breath as the plane landed I  was sitting one seat away from my Dad, I looked out the window and was very surprised. It appeared that we were going to land in water. I wondered if we were maybe still far away from the airport, but when I looked at the map it said we were right above the Airport. Before I could think of an explanation the plane jerked hard and made a rough turn for a second I looked inside the plane and the next I felt a hard bump and landing feeling . We were finally in San Francisco ! I looked out the window to see the Airport and the the land around it. It had a couple of hills and looked a little bit desserty but still really pretty ! I walked out of the terminal and into the airport.. The building had a lot of windows, we took the escalators to the terminals to grab our bags. Once we grabbed our bags we headed outside, My Dad asked me and my sister Bella, if we would like to take a bus or train. I answered bus and Bella a answered train. I smiled as we stepped outside, a gust of cold wind came to greet me. the weather was nice and chilly ! My Dad talked on the phone to a guy named Frank. I looked at my Mom .

“Mom who’s Frank?” I asked. “Hes the man who’s going to drive us to the hotel in a limo ! “ She answered smiling. I was sure she was kidding so I laughed a little bit. To my surprise a limo pulled up to where we were waiting. A small Man jumped out and shook hands with my family and me. and introduced himself as Frank. Inside the doors of the limo was peppermints and the seats were really cushy ! We all hopped in the car, as we got deeper into San Francisco , I noticed that there were more hills, the land started to get greener , and the houses got smaller. Frank told us about how San Francisco is becoming a hot spot for big businesses. Once we got to the the hotel we got all our luggage in  the room and we headed to the mall to grab some lunch . Each little shop had its own sort of culture and style they even had an underground part of the mall !For lunch we stopped at a mini restaurant called The Catch, we ate some fish and chips they were good ! After that we headed to the train station, there was really nice chinese music playing while we were getting our tickets. Inside the train station when a subway train comes everything on the walls vibrate or shake its really neat! We climbed on the train until we came to a tunnel. My Dad asked a Man for directions and the Man said we should just climb off here.We hopped off and looked at all the victorian houses and painted ladies, we also walked through alamo park . There are a lot of houses, so we walked a couple blocks. Once everybody was super tired my parents surprised us with some Fro-Yo ! It was really good and gave me back all my energy ! We also bought some cereal, bananas , and apples. After we went home and everybody fell asleep , it was a good day.

            On the second day we went to three cool museums and Yerba Gardens .For lunch we got sandwiches from walgreens and a big soda they were pretty good! The museums we went to were the Cartoon Museum, The Natural Science museum , and the Childrens museum. The Cartoon museum had tons of cool old cartoons , not just newspaper ones but originals ! They also had an exclusive collection of the original “Ninja Turtle” sketches ! It was really neat to see the original copies! We also went to a museum with a living roof , The Natural Science Museum ! There was an entire skeleton of a T-Rex in the front ! There was an awesome aquarium filled with odd and pretty fish too ! We saw some penguins along with an exhibit of Africa !  Following the Natural Science  Museum went to the Childrens Museum ! In there we did a fun exhibit with a makey makey , we each made a drawing and then attached the makey makey to them and then we we could play piano it was really cool ! After that we went to the recording studios where we recorded us singing songs ! You can even listen to them if you want because my parents bought a disc, It was pretty awesome ! Then we went to yerba gardens,they had an indoor carousel there,and a killer slide!We played around there on the fast steep metal slides until my parents said we had to go ! For dinner we went to Buca di Beppo and ate dinner , we had some good Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo , they serve in big family sizes so we all ate till we were full ! Right after that we picked up our luggage at The Intercontinental . We walked and took a bus to the Wyndham where we were staying.

On the third day we woke up early and went to a Timeshare breakfast where we had egg and sausage.Me and bella went upstairs while Mom and Dad were talking to the timeshare accountant.After that we caught the Hop on and Off  double decker bus and took a full tour starting from Union Square we went around San Francico and saw and learned a lot of cool things we also got to see Marilyn Monro’s legs ! It was really fun and we went to see the golden gate bridge also, the thing was though it was open top so it was reallly cooold ! The Golden Gate bridge is enormous !  We also went to the original Ghirardelli Square and we bought two beautiful and delicious Mint Chip and Vanilla  Sundays they were soooo good ! For dinner we got some movies from the hotel and ordered some delicious dominoes hawaiian pizza ! Soo good !

For the fourth day we took the Hop-On-and-Off bus and we saw Lombard Street ! While Dad was taking Mom down to Fisherman's Wharf we walked up and down Lombard Street two times! It was soo twisty! It was long to ! Dad came back up then and walked with us to down to Fisherman's Wharf , this was our first time there ! Once we got there we met with Mom and we went to three cool galleries! One of them even had original works of Doctor Seuss , another had beautiful painting pieces of people and things with large eyes the lady who painted them name is  Margaret Keane ! We walked around and saw a tons of cool street artists ! One even swallowed a sword ! After that we took another Hop-On-And-Off bus tour and grabbed some spaghetti at Buca di Beppo ! It was really good ! Then we went back to the Hotel and watched some movies !

On the fifth day we bought some sandwiches at walgreens and fruit! We also went down to Fisherman's Wharf again !We ran down to grab some fish and chips! The plan was to eat them slowly but we ended up running and eating. They were the most delicious fish and chips I have ever had ! They smelled soooo good too ! We had to run and eat because we had to get in line to go to alcatraz ! We took a boat to Alcatraz and hopped off ! Alcatraz was a old federal prison , that used to hold famous bad guys like Machine Gun Kelly , The BirdMan , and Al Capone . It was really fun we got to take an audio tour and see all sorts of things ! We got to walk in these cells , see there cafeteria also where Clarence Anglin, John Anglin , and Frank Morris got there spoons to escape ! We went to their cells to and saw how they dug through the vents, It was like walking into the past ! It was amazing ! After we went and visited the Boudin Bakery and bought a 2 lb. sourdough bread it was really good ! We explored around the wharf a little more watching the street performers.Later we went on a bus and dropped Mom off at the hotel while we went to go get groceries from walgreens.Dad bought each me and Mikayla a t-shirt souvenir that said San Francisco on it ! MIkayla got one that said shes too cute so she got rejected from alcatraz its really adorable ! After that we went back to the hotel.

The Sixth day we went to Chinatown ! We found this really cool place that sold everything anime ! I ended up buying two posters , and Mom a poster and a t-shirt. It was really cool ! Then we explored the rest of Chinatown ! The gate was beautiful ! It had dragons on it , there were pretty red lamps hanging across the houses and on each of the light posts was a dragon holding a pearl ! It was really pretty ! There were cute shops selling silk purses , silk robes , fans , and little umbrellas with patterns on them!Mom bought a mini SD card for her camera there to !We also went to the Cable Car Museum and took the Cable Cars for the first time ! It was so cool we got to see the cables that the cable cars ran on and the underground wheels that moved them ! It was really cool ! That day we took cable cars everywhere ! Cable Cars are really cool though because you literally just hop on ! You can even hang on to a bar and stick out your head while you go on the cable car ! Its really fun ! Once we got home we also watched Cliff Eastwoods Escape From AlCatraz it was a really cool because we had been to alcatraz also already so we knew where they were going and stuff !

The seventh I would say was our boat day. We went to see an army submarine , It was so big and could hold like twenty five torpedo’s ! We got to walk through and see how the boat would work it was awesome ! The next boat we went on after that was a bridge to bridge tour it was really nice it told us about each of the landmarks we saw on the water. After that we went on a Rocket Boat ! It was this super fast little orange boat that drove us around the bay ! For lunch we ate some more of the delicious fish and chips. After lunch we went to the ship museum and saw a really cool old boat. It was one of those that you would imagine seeing in pirates of the caribbean ! We also went to goodwill and bought a blue suitcase ! Then we went and checked in at the hostel. We slept for a little bit and then went to eat Buca di Beppo. After that we got our luggage from wyndham and took it to the hostel. The Hostel was big it had a kitchen , a theater, a cafe and comfy beds ! Mom and Dad got a private room and we all had our own bed. We got a good nights sleep !

The eighth day we got up early and ate breakfast at the hostel.We packed bagels for lunch for our bike ride also. We walked to the Blazing Saddles place where we were going to rent our bikes from. The man told us what we have to do and then we took off. The man who was our guide was a really fast biker!At  first I was near the end of the line and then I caught up and was the third to second in line, we drove a little bit on a sidewalk and then up a couple of hills. Then we got to the golden gate bridge. It was really really big up in person. If I made a fist thats how big one of the bolts of the golden gate bridge would be ! As we biked the long stretch I could feel the bridge sway a little beneath me , the wind was blowing in my face and it felt awesome ! After the bridge we reached Sausalito and we stopped.The guided tour left but Dad, Mikayla , and I biked to see the bay model. It was an ENORMOUS model of the bay! It was so big and it showed the exact water movement the bay would make in 14 or so minutes , it was like a really big swimming pool ! We took a audio tour of the entire thing it was pretty cool !We were so into the bay model we forgot all about the shuttle we were going to take to Muior Woods , however  Dad talked to they lady at the front desk and she told him about the shuttle in Marin City. On the way to Marin City our next stop we saw some floating houses on docks it was amazing ! Then we biked the flat stretch to the next city. When we got there we got some directions to get to the shuttle station. There was three busses waiting and no one was there so as soon as we got up to the station they said they would take us up immediately ! We pulled out our bagels and ate them on the way up. Our original plan was to bike up to Muir Woods but then our guide told us about the bus, we were all glad though that we had taken the bus because the road had no shoulder , was really steep and was twisty to.The mountains were really pretty because there was some fog it was really pretty ! Once we got to Muir Woods we took a two mile hike through the beautiful forest . The trees were so big you arent even able to hug your arms around it and have your hand touching ! When the sun shone through the trees though it would make rays , it was just overall really pretty.Once we finished that we took the shuttle back to Marin City and biked back to Sausalito. We were really lucky as soon as we got back there was a ferry , at the time we didn’t know where it was going but we just got on. It was really fast ! Like times regular ferry time times ten ! Once we got to the other side we saw the ferry was actually a catamaran ! A catamaran is a boat with two boats. Its really cool, after that we rode our bikes around looking for a walgreens that sold Fro-Yo but the one we went to was closed. We decided to just go to
another walgreens and we got 3.5 pints of ice cream ,each ! It was sooo goood ! We didn’t finish it all so Dad put it on his bike while we biked to Blazing Saddles the place where we rented bikes. The Ice-Creams we got were Super Chocolatey , Mint Chocolate Chip , and Strong Coffee ! They were really good we bought them at a big grocery store called Safeway ! Once we got to the place where we rented the bikes we tried to figure out how to open the garage , it said on a board that they gave us a two number code to open the garage. But unfortunately when they gave us the bikes they had forgotten that slight detail.We ended up asking someone who didn’t know , but finally some other people returned their bikes and we turned ours in to . We took a bus and then walked back to the hostel. For dinner we heated up some of the leftover fettucini  from Bucas on the community oven. Let me say it was a very nice burner , it was military so you could see the flame ! It was really good after we all went and fell asleep on our own bunk beds .

The last day we were in San Francisco we packed and took showers . Mom took us to go get our portraits done at fishermans wharf. It was a beautiful day chilly but still sunny, the man who did our pictures was very good he used ink and a paintbrush. Frank  picked us up in the limo again and I smiled as I got my last good look at San Francisco.

This was our glorious vacation to SF shortly befor my surgery

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